CARNetova korisnička konferencija 2015

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Slovenski i-udžbenici: Upotrijebite i-elemente iz i-udžbenika jer jezik nije prepreka

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Nacionalni institut Republike Slovenije za obrazovanje od 2006. godine na različitim projektima brine za razvoj e-materijala. U razdoblju od 2011. do 2014. godine je u okviru projekta E-udžbeniki s naglaskom na prirodoslovnim predmetima u OŠ razvijeno 18 interaktivnih udžbenika (i-udžbenika). Od 2013. godine pokrenut je projekt e-Školska torba u kojem je do danas razvijeno još dodatnih 19 i-udžbenika za društvene predmete i jezike ( Autori i-udžbenika su inovativni nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola i sveučilišni stručnjaci.

U spomenutim projektima su nastale didaktičke i dizajnerske smjernice za izradu i-udžbenika i tako postavljeni standardi za izradu i-udžbenika za rad u slovenskim školama. Po klasifikaciji e-udžbenika (Pesek i Zmazek, 2014) u prvu razinu e-udžbenika rangiramo digitalizirane knjige u PDF formatu. Na drugu razinu rangiramo e-udžbenike prve razine, koji su obogaćeni na primjer sa zvukom i videom, ponekad i sa pitanjanjim i zadatcima s povratnom informacijom odnosno rješenjima. I-udžbenici nisu samo nadogradnja e-udžbenike prve i druge razine. Oni pored elemenata koji tvore e-udžbenike prve i druge razine, sadrže interaktivne elemente (i-elemente).

Sudionicima radionice ćemo predstaviti neke od i-elemenata iz različitih i-udžbenika za prirodoslovne i društvene predmete. Zajedno ćemo analizirati predstavljene i-elemente i razmišljati o smislenom korištenju u nastavi. Sudionici će preko aktivne upotrebe i-elemenata proučavati didaktičku vrijednost tehničkih rješenja, kojim su se poslužili autori i-elemenata. Kritički će vrednovati iznesene primjere i razmatrati mogućnosti kako upotrijebiti i-elemente kao moguću podršku u provedbi novih koncepata i pojmova. Usporedit ćemo nastavu uz pomoć i-udžbenika i bez njih, te istaknuti moguće prednosti.


Amela Sambolić Beganović    
Zavod RS za šolstvo

I´m a teacher of Mathematics and Physics and I work in education since 1996. I’m working at The National Institute of Eduducation as senior consultant for Mathematics.
Before this job I was teaching mathematics at vocational secondary school for 14 years.
As a consultant for matematatisc at National Institute for Education I work with teachers who teach mathematics at primary, secondary and high school. We educate, help and support teachers on different school field.
My favorite challenge is working with group of mathematics teachers that develops didactics approaches of using ICT in schools and implementation on learning and teaching mathematics.
I´m involved in different national project: e-Education, EU CLassroom ePortfolio, E-school bag, Implementation 1:1 pedagogy, E-book for science and mathematics, e-Shool Bag, Mentep, ATS2020.
Within e-Education project I authored and co-authored several seminars and counselings, that are developing teachers e-competences. I execute most of them, so I am activly involved in training of teachers and principals in Slovenia. In this project I´m head of the team for “interactive whiteboard”. From 2013 I am a leader of the pilot project Implementing and piloting e-materials and e-services in which 60 pilot schools are included.
I also co-authored several articles, workshops and contributed at some international conferences (SIRIKT, KUPM, ONLINE EDUCA, CUC).
I am a student on Faculty of Education in Ljubljana on Doctoral study programme on Scientific Area Teacher Education: teaching mathematics, computing, natural sciences and technical studies.

Andreja Čuk    
Zavod RS za šolstvo

Andreja Čuk is a teacher an she is working at The National Institute of Eduducation as senior consultant for Mother tongue.
She is involved in different national project: e-Education, E-school bag
Within e-Education project she authored and co-authored several seminars and counselings, that are developing teachers e-competences. She is activly involved in training of teachers and principals in Slovenia. She is a leader of the project e-Shool Bag in ZRSŠ.
She also co-authored several articles, workshops and contributed at some international conferences.


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